to this website of the International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences.

Thank you for visiting us.

The Executive Committee of the IASCYS

The 2020 IASCYS Yearbook (.pdf file)

اجائزة تشارلز فرانسوا الدولية (.pdf file)
Charles François 国际奖 (汉 语 .pdf file)
Charles François International Prize (English .pdf file)
Premio Internacional Charles François (texto .pdf en español)
Prix international Charles François (texte .pdf en français)
Международный приз Шарля Франсуа (tексt по-русски)
The lists of LAUREATES

What about systems science and cybernetics? (English .pdf file)
Sistemas ciencia. Aprehenderun mundo globalizado. (texto .pdf enespañol)
L'approche systémique. Appréhender la globalité. (texto .pdf enfrançais)

Here are the homepages of the Academicians

towards blogs of IASCYS Academicians

IASCYS Aims & Intentions

IASCYS 2 years phase report

and paper: “The IASCYS: What? What for? How?”

IASCYS Academicians expertise: TOPICS

IASCYS as a bridge (May 2012)

Picture of the First General Assembly of the IASCYS

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